Oakwood Senior

WALTERDESIGN was retained to work on an RFP, site planning, and design on behalf of a prominent senior affordable housing owner / operator located in central Florida. The site at issue was to be donated by the County to a selected bidder through an RFP process. WALTERDESIGN's client was selected and awarded both the land and just under $1MM in funding to develop a new construction senior housing project. The site plan was tricky because despite by-right density, the County did not want the developer to go vertical into multiple stories, in order to fit into the community fabric. The site is under 1 acre, and set back requirements were accounted for to build out green amenity spaces without eating into max allowed density. Even though the site was small, the project was tricky for capitalization pursuits. The developer wanted to bid on the opportunity and the County wanted a qualified developer to deliver more affordable senior housing on vacant land.
WALTERDESIGN stepped in on behalf of the developer to get the RFP award so that the developer could secure the site, lock in funding sources, and continue its mission to provide quality affordable housing with high-level service coordination for aging residents.